Implantation guide

Before choosing your trees

We recommend that you take the time to observe and study the area where you wish to plant fruit trees and shrubs. Most plants require very specific conditions to survive and flourish. That's why a good knowledge of your environment is essential to choose the right fruit tree. To assist you, our website contains detailed descriptions of the needs and characteristics of our products. We also offer planting advice to help you find the right plants for your needs. Finally, our team offers specialized fruit tree planting design services and training (here).

Before receiving your order

Make sure you have the equipment you need to plant your plants quickly and efficiently, as the success of a planting depends largely on good preparation and technique. We recommend a round shovel, a pickaxe, a ~20L bucket filled with water, ink-free cardboard and RCW (ramial fragmented wood).

On receipt of your order

Open the parcel carefully, avoiding sharp objects. Then check the condition of your trees from crown to roots, take photos if necessary and contact us if any injury is detected (REFUND POLICY). Please note that roots may be slightly damaged during deplanting. If the buds start to open, go directly to the fourth paragraph.

Once the inspection has been carried out, it's vital to keep your plant's root system in the moist substrate contained in the package. Take care to check the moisture content of the substrate: if you squeeze it in your fist, only a single drop of water should come out. If it's too dry, moisten it slightly. There should be no water at the bottom of the packaging.

Once the root system has been placed back in a moist substrate, protect it from light and drafts.

When you're ready, grab your equipment and start planting. We recommend digging a hole wide enough to contain all the plant's roots without bending them, and just deep enough for the collar (the transition zone between the above-ground and below-ground parts of the plant) to reach ground level. Once the tree has been planted, we recommend compacting the soil with water. To do this, simply add water until the soil no longer absorbs it within a reasonable time (this depends on the composition of the soil). It's important to add soil as needed to ensure that the roots stay underground.

Finally, cover the soil at the foot of the plant with a cardboard "doily" covered with RCW. Water once every 3-4 days, depending on weather and soil conditions. Congratulations on your new fruit tree or shrub!