Our team

Our team


Passionate about the past and current fruit growers's work, Victor is the finder of exceptional varieties and the keeper of the genetics of our collection. Graduated from the National Institute of Organic Agriculture, he is now a farm management technician specialized in fruit production. He knows his plants by their little name and everything they need to develop their full potential. Knowing the different species of plants at his fingertips, he is an excellent consultant and landscaper. Permaculture drives him in every action he takes. Come and meet Victor in one of our training sessions or at our annual plant sale!

Victor's favorite tree: Apple tree - Golden Russet (Malus domestica)


Having the eye of an eagle, he roams the forests with his gaze riveted to the ground in search of hidden wonders. His treasures are not precious stones, but mushrooms! An amateur mycologist, Louis is passionate about gourmet mushrooms and dreams of domesticating his favorite wild species. At the nursery, this chemist by training produces mycelium (the vegetative body of mushrooms!) to incorporate into our food gardens. In the fall, when the harvesting season slows down, his extensive knowledge of the undergrowth helps us to find varieties of fruits and nuts of exceptional quality! Come and meet Louis at one of our training sessions or at one of our mushroom sales points!

Louis' favorite mushroom: Maitake (Grifola Frondosa)


A true visionary, Antoine is constantly trying to reinvent his environment by using mutual aid and perseverance. With him, one project does not wait for the other. Whether it is to energize his community or to build the ecosystem of his dreams, he is always there to help. Passionate about all living things and true to his training in biology, he offers our team a more global vision of the changes we are making around us and makes it his duty to ensure the ecological production of our plants. With his exceptional resourcefulness, he is the person to contact when you are looking to accomplish a project on the farm. Come and meet Antoine in one of our training sessions or during our guided tours of the nursery!
Antoine's favorite tree: Black Walnut 
(Junglans Nigra